The Importance of Dreaming || Tara Audibert || 10:39 min.
Old lonely Owl dreams of having his own family. In his travels he comes upon a large skulk of foxes playing together. Owl thinks they are beautiful and he watches over them for many days and nights. He wishes he could have such a beautiful family. One fox is different, she notices Owl and watches him. Owl flies down to meet her and showing off his charms, becomes a part of the skulk. Foxx and Owl fall in love, but their love is met with contention driving Foxx and Owl away to try to find happiness together.
Director Statement
My father had Alzheimer’s for many years and later passed away in his sleep. When he was alive there were times when his mind was not "with" us. This film is a legend based on his actual life, but also where I imagine his mind being those times he was not with us. This place was in his past, and dreaming of a wish that had already come true.
The Importance of Dreaming filmmaker Tara Audibert
Tara Audibert is a Wolastoqey artist, film maker, and game developer with 20yrs experience in animation, games and comics. Tara aspires to combine traditional First Nations art and storytelling with contemporary design and digital mediums. She started Moxy Fox Studio to create her first independent animated film The Importance of Dreaming, released in 2017. She is a partner in the not for profit Ni’gweg Collective, dedicated to collecting and sharing First Nations stories. The pilot storytelling game app Nitap was launched in 2018.
The Importance of Dreaming is part of Atlantic Auteurs Program Two at HIFF 2018.
$12 @ the door | $10 advance/student/senior/unwaged